Friday, September 11, 2009


This blog: an excuse to rant about music.

This is me:
  • Not some pro that's awesome at music, but hopefully I will be one day.
  • Doesn't know much theory, only basics - if you talk to me about sustained 9ths and seven-infinity-famillion chords, I'll look at you blankly.
  • Likes to blog
  • Likes to rant about all things music-related
So I made this blog.

It'll be updated when I feel the need to update.
Have a nice day.

Sometimes when I freestyle, I lose confidence.
- Jermaine Clement, Flight of the Conchords

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome Olivia! I was thinking of making a happy and an angry blog. HAHA. So like... I can have angry followers on one end, and happy followers on the other. XD Anyway, great idea music capitan. *salute*